Baim Wong's Real Name Mohammad Ibrahim, Rhoma Irama: Masyaallah

JAKARTA - The King of Dangdut, Rhoma Irama, was surprised and amazed to hear the name of celebrity Baim Wong. This was revealed when Baim became the guest star of Rhoma Irama in the BISIKAN RHOMA Podcast #13: BAIM WONG'S PRAYER THAT MAKES RHOMA AMAZED.

In the video uploaded on the Rhoma Irama Official YouTube channel, Baim was asked about his real name by Rhoma Irama.

"Here I see there is Baim and Wong. This, if I may know, what is your full name?" asked Rhoma Irama, quoted Sunday 12 December.

Hearing the question, Baim Wong immediately mentioned his long name. Unexpectedly, the Soneta Grup leader was immediately surprised to find out Baim's real name.

"My full name is Muhammad Ibrahim," Baim said with a smile.

"Masyaallah Muhammad Ibrahim. Masyaallah Masyaallah, usually Betawi people are like that, Ibrahim becomes Baim, Abdullah becomes Dulloh, they shorten it," said Rhoma Irama.

Baim then explained that the names of his two brothers were also taken from the name of Muhammad. This made Rhoma even more amazed.

“My brother, Muhammad Hamzah, my other brother, Muhammad Daud, I am Muhammad Ibrahim,” he explained.

"MasyaAllah Muhammad Hamzah, Muhammad Daud, Muhammad Ibrahim, are very Islamic," said Rhoma again.