Rainy Season Arrives, Beware Of ISPA Dangers

JAKARTA - Diseases related to the respiratory system are said to occur a lot during the rainy season.

Health experts warn that an increase in the number of water particles in the air puts people at twice the risk of contracting various airborne infections.

This is because the high water content in the air allows various harmful microorganisms to multiply more quickly than in warmer and drier climates. One of the diseases that often occur in the rainy season is related to the respiratory system.

​Based on the illness experienced by users on the Good Doctor (GD) platform who consulted a doctor in the period from late October to the second week of November 2021, the numbers tracked internally by the internal medicine team in particular regarding the increasing Diagnostic Trends show that cases of respiratory infections acute respiratory infection (ARI) dominate the teleconsultation category.

dr. Adhiatma Gunawan, Head of Medical at PT Good Doctor Technology Indonesia also warned that this worrying trend will continue to increase if health precautions are not taken to boost one's immunity during the rainy season period.

The trend of diagnosis shows an increase in ARI by 1-2 percent every week and is predicted to increase to 10 percent in the following weeks.

ARI itself is an acute infection that attacks the upper respiratory tract and can be transmitted to other people. The affected body parts can be the nose, sinuses, pharynx, and larynx.

Symptoms that may be felt include runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and nasal congestion.

"The risk of ARI will increase in people with weak immune systems," said dr. Adhiatma quoted from Antara, Sunday.

Children and parents are included in the group with low immune systems. The immune system in children is not fully formed, while in the elderly the immune system begins to decline.

The virus that causes this disease can survive in the air and in inanimate objects. This condition also causes the spread of ARI disease is easy to breed.

Meanwhile, dr. RA. Adaninggar, Sp.PD, Good Doctor's Internal Medicine Specialist, gave some tips for dealing with the rainy season so that you don't get sick easily.

The first thing to do is to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes physical and mental health by ensuring that you consume good nutrition.

If you cannot meet the required daily needs, you can add supplements.

"Then exercise, do physical activity regularly so that fitness is maintained," said dr. Adaninggar.

There are at least five types of exercise that can be done at home during the rainy season, namely physical stretching, aerobics, yoga, lifting weights, and calisthenics exercises.

Getting enough sleep is also related to physical and mental health. People who are sleep-deprived are more irritable, anxious, and stressed.

Stress management must also be managed properly. Do not forget to make time for yourself, because it is very important to balance work and personal life.

Finally, health protocols must still be carried out because they are currently still in a state of the COVID-19 pandemic.