West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil Ensures Bung Karno Sites In West Java Are Maintained And Honored

JAKARTA - The Governor of West Java (Jabar) M Ridwan Kamil ensured that the sites of the first President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir Soekarno or Bung Karno in Bandung City were maintained and glorified.

"Bandung is the birthplace of Indonesia's great ideas. Therefore, Bung Karno's websites that were present in the city of Bandung, from ITB, Banceuy Prison, Sukamiskin Prison, and Mrs. Inggit's house, for example, then the Indonesia Building Sues were all reported, we take care of it, we honor it as best we can, and it was reported last night," said Ridwan Kamil in Bandung City, reported by Antara, Tuesday, December 7.

According to the man who is familiarly called Kang Emil, these sites are important so that future generations know the history of Indonesia.

He said there are many historical sites of the city from the figure of Bung Karno in the city of Bandung.

For example, Banceuy Prison is a silent witness to Bung Karno's struggle with the community against injustice to the invaders.

During the reign of the Dutch East Indies, the Banceuy Prison on Banceuy Street was a prison used to detain indigenous criminals and political prisoners.

With the preservation of Bung Karno's sites, he hopes to give birth to the spirit of marhaenism. The city of Bandung itself has its own story for the birth of marhaenism. At that time, Bung Karno was inspired by the figure of Marhaen.

"Hopefully, it will bring the spirit that in this city the values ​​of marhaenism, the values ​​of Bung Karno, will remain eternal and become an inspiration to thinkers and warrior thinkers," he said.

In addition, he also hopes that this can be a spirit for PA GMNI to produce ideas that are useful for the nation and state. Especially at this time, Indonesia is experiencing two disruptions.

"We are being disrupted by 4.0 technologies that affect the joints of our lives, including democracy. We are experiencing the intersection of the COVID-19 disruption which is also affecting what the future of life in Indonesia will be post-COVID. We are experiencing many new things that are present in our daily lives, "said Kang Emil.

"We hope that this fourth PA GMNI congress will produce recommendations for the nation and state in dealing with the disruptions I mentioned earlier," he said.