Urged To Terminate Contracts With Bus Operators, Director Of Transjakarta: We're Still Evaluating

JAKARTA - Transjakarta is urged to terminate the partner's work contract with the bus operator, because in the last 40 days there have been five accidents. This pressure came from Member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Nur Afni Sajim.

In response to this, the President Director of PT Transport Jakarta or Transjakarta Mochammad Yana Aditya explained that his party was still evacuating the accident incident. Therefore, all actions to be taken must have a basis.

"We evaluate everything. So all our actions must have a basis," he said when meeting at the Transjakarta Head Office, Cawang, East Jakarta, Saturday, December 4.

Furthermore, Yana explained that the evaluation results will later be a reference for taking the next step. Even so, Yana emphasized that there has been no termination of the contract with the bus operator involved in the accident.

"We evaluate everything. So all our actions must have a basis. So until today there has been no termination of the contract with the operator, so we are still evaluating, what results will be the reference," he said.

Previously, a Member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Nur Afni Sajim, was furious with the number of accidents involving Transjakarta buses. Therefore, she also urged Transjakarta to terminate the partner's contract with the bus operator involved in the accident.

As is known, in a period of 40 days there were at least five accidents, namely in Cawang, East Jakarta, which caused two deaths, namely the driver and passenger of the Transjakarta bus.

Apart from Cawang, there was also a single accident in Senen, Gandaria, and on Thursday, December 2 in front of the Cililitan Wholesale Center (PGC). On this Friday, a single TransJakarta bus accident occurred in front of Ratu Plaza, Sudirman Street, Jakarta.

The BUMD PT Transport Jakarta (TransJakarta) has also collaborated with the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) to conduct an audit of operating safety procedures, following a series of accidents on the company's buses on Thursday-Friday.

"Later on, the results of the recommendations from the audit will be used as a reference for improving internal customer safety procedures for TransJakarta and operator partners. We hope that similar incidents will not continue in the future," said Angelina Betris, Head of the Corporate Secretariat and Public Relations Division of PT TransJakarta, in a written statement quoted by Antara, Friday, December 3rd.

Betris explained that the audit would cover aspects of the driver on duty, the roads, and the fleet being operated.

She also mentioned that they had temporarily halted the operation of the operator fleets that had accidents, both in Corridor 5 PGC - Harmoni on Thursday, December 2 and Corridor 1 Blok M - Kota this Friday.

"The cessation of operation will be carried out until the evaluation gets results," said Betris.