Minister Of Manpower Ida: Creativity And Innovation Are Important To Create New Jobs

JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said that during this COVID-19 pandemic, creative people are needed to create jobs. According to her, creativity and innovation are very important in encouraging the expansion of job opportunities.

"Therefore, it is very important to continue to create new job opportunities, while people are busy looking for job vacancies," she said when opening the Independent Workforce (TKM) Expo Republik Kreaktif 2021, Saturday, December 4.

The Ministry of Manpower held a TKM Expo Creative Republic 2021 event. This time the theme was 'Independent Workers Rise, Indonesia Forward'. According to Ida, this event was held in order to encourage the development of business potential in Indonesia.

Ida said that with this event, business actors are expected to be able to promote their products to a wider market share.

"Through the implementation of the TKM Expo, we can further advance the businesses of entrepreneurs who have received the TKM assistance program," she explained.

Ida said the employment sector was the most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, industry players are forced to limit production to the point of being forced to terminate their employment or layoffs.

"Various programs are carried out by the Ministry of Manpower in helping the community. One of them is a program to expand job opportunities through the assistance of independent workers," she explained.

Meanwhile, the Daily Pelkasana (Plh) Director General of Binapenta and PKK Kemnaker Haiyani Rumondang said that the purpose of the TKM Expo was as a forum to get advice, input, and support in achieving the success of the job opportunity expansion program.

"From this TKM Expo, we can measure the level of success and identify obstacles in the implementation of employment opportunity expansion programs as material for future improvements," said Haiyani.