Heart Attack, Haji Lulung Lays 10 Days In Hospital

JAKARTA - Senior politician Abraham Lunggana alias Haji Lulung has been in the hospital for the past 10 days. Because Lulung had a heart attack.

"That's right. It's been 10 days," said the head of the Betawi Deliberative Council (Bamus) when confirmed, Friday, December 3.

It was not specified how Lulung's condition is currently. However, Nuri said, the PPP politician is still in intensive care at Harapan Kita Hospital.

"In the ICU, can't move, can't talk. Rest is rest," she said.

However, Nuri said that based on the information obtained, the cause of the heart attack occurred during the catheterization process. Where, the catheter or tube to check the condition of Haji Lulung's heart was broken.

"So the catheter, the catheter is broken," said Nuri.