Sending 3 Tons Of Oranges To Jokowi, Karo Residents Hope President Help Repair Worried Road Infrastructure

MEDAN - A total of 3 tons of oranges were sent by residents of Liang Melas Datas, Karo Regency, North Sumatra (Sumut) for President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Liang Melas Datas community leader, Setia Sembiring, said the oranges were harvested from the community which was collected to be sent to the State Palace in Jakarta. The oranges were brought by truck which was also followed by a group of people.

"We want to deliver gifts with Mr. President Joko Widodo. We from Liang Melas deliver souvenirs, there are oranges," said Setia Sembiring when he and his entourage stopped at Simpang Pos, Jamin Ginting street, Medan, Friday, December 3.

Setia said that the delivery of oranges was done so that President Joko Widodo could pay more attention to the people of Liang Melas Datas. Because according to him, the condition of infrastructure in the area is very poor and has been neglected for years.

The road conditions are badly damaged, making it difficult for the community to bring their crops outside the area. In fact, the price of goods transportation services is expensive compared to the price of the harvest.

"It's a bit difficult to transport goods, you can't get out, it's a pain, the car has to be towed. If the roads are good, the condition of our farm will improve," he said.

He said that his party had conveyed the condition of the road to the Karo Regency Government (Pemkab). However, the district government argued that the budget provided by the central government was insufficient.

"So, we want to tell Mr. Jokowi so that he can help the Karo area, especially the Liang Melas Latas area, so that he can increase development funds there," he explained.

It is known that the Liang Melas Datas community consists of 6 villages and 3 hamlets spread over 3 sub-districts, namely Tiga Binanga District, Marwall District, and Lau Baleng District.

There are also 6 villages and 3 hamlets, namely Kutambelin Village, Pola Sugarcane Village, Kuta Pengkih Village, Suka Julu Village, Batu Mamak Village, and Kutambaru Village. Then, Dusun Cerumbu, Hamlet Kendit, and Barisan Hamlet.