Lack Of BPJS Contribution In Rejang Lebong Touches Rp7 Billion, Will Be Paid Next Year

REJANG LEBONG - An official from the Health Office of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, said that the payment of the lack of contributions for BPJS health participants from the Jamkesda program worth more than Rp7 billion will be made next year.

"The payment of contributions for BPJS health participants from the Jamkesda program included in the 2021 APBD Amendment is only Rp7.5 billion. This budget is only enough to pay contributions from April to June, while from August to December, only Rp7,5 trillion will be done next year," said Head of Public Health Services at the Rejang Lebong Health Office, Asri when contacted at Rejang Lebong, Antara, Sunday, November 28.

She explained that the Jamkesda participants who are integrated (connected) with BPJS health currently reach 50,000 people from the set target by the end of the year as many as 51,500 people.

The payment of contributions for Jamkesda participants who are integrated with BPJS health, she said, are poor citizens who have not been registered as JKN-KIS participants, which are financed by the central and provincial governments.

Where recipients of this program assistance receive class III services whose contributions are borne by the Rejang Lebong Regency Government.

"The target is that by the end of the year as many as 51,500 people, the payment of BPJS Kesehatan premiums for this special class III Jamkesda integration program per year reaches Rp23 billion," said Asri.

She hopes that the budget for payment of the remaining arrears of BPJS health contributions in 2021 and the payment of 2022 contributions which are included in the 2022 Rejang Lebong RAPBD which is currently under discussion at the Rejang Lebong DPRD can be legalized so that residents who cannot afford as participants can still receive free medical services.

Previously, the Curup Branch of BPJS Kesehatan, which oversees four regencies in Bengkulu Province, stated that the number of arrears from the contributions of independent participants or those financed by the Rejang Lebong Regency Government was recorded at 6,650 people with total arrears of more than Rp7 billion.