Padang Prosecutors Confiscate Corruption Prisoners' Land Assets Worth Rp1 Billion

PADANG - The Padang District Attorney (Kejari) of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) confiscated the assets of a corruption convict in the form of land with a value of around Rp1 billion, including replacement money and a fine of a total of Rp112 million.

The confiscation of assets and cash was carried out by the prosecutor's office from early January 2021 to 25 November against corruption cases that had permanent legal force (inkrah).

"As for assets in the form of land, it is being processed for auction, while we have deposited Rp112 million into the state treasury," said Padang Attorney General's Special Crimes Section Head Thery Gutama, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 25.

Thery explained that the confiscated land belonged to the convict in the land acquisition corruption case for Campus III of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Imam Bonjol Padang on behalf of Adrian Asril.

The land is located in Air Tawar Barat Village, North Padang District, Padang City with an area of 1,360 square meters.

To conduct the auction, the Padang Attorney General's Office is coordinating with relevant agencies such as the National Land Agency (BPN) and the State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL).

Thery explained that the land confiscation was carried out based on a court decision at the cassation level against Adrian Asril who was sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of Rp200 million, subsidiary to six months in prison.

In addition to imprisonment and a fine, the convict is also sentenced to pay compensation of Rp1.1 billion with the condition that it must be paid within one month of the inkrah case.

If it is not paid within one month, then the convict's property is confiscated for auction, in the case that the convict does not own the property, it is replaced with two years' imprisonment.

"Based on that decision, we tracked the assets and property of the convict in order to cover the replacement money," said Kajari Padang.

Meanwhile, the money with a total of Rp112 million was the payment of criminal fines and replacement money from the two convicts, namely Aritsu Mughni Alh Hadi and Iskandar Hamzah.

Aritsu Mughni Al Hadi is a police officer who was convicted of a bribery case. He paid a fine of Rp50 million.

Meanwhile, Iskandar Hamzah was one of the convicts in a corruption case in the procurement of medical equipment at the RSUD Dr. Rasyidin Padang in 2013. He paid a fine of Rp50 million and replacement money of Rp12 million.