Discourse On The Dissolution Of MUI, PKS: There Are "Illegal Riders" Taking Advantage Of The Issue Of Eradicating Terrorism

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR from the PKS faction, Habib Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi, assesses that there are illegal riders in the issue of eradicating terrorism.

The reason is that there was an impetus for the disbandment of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) after the arrest of Central MUI Fatwa Commission member Ahmad Zain An-Najah by the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Police Headquarters for allegedly being involved in a terrorist network.

“There are illegal riders who take advantage of the issue of eradicating terrorism. They are riding the issue of eradicating terrorism to dissolve MUI. Obviously, we have to be careful in dealing with illegal riders like this," Aboe said in his statement, Wednesday, November 24.

The chairman of the DPR MKD reminded the public not to use excessive logic in addressing the issue. "If one member of the MUI is exposed to radicalism, it does not mean that the MUI must be dissolved. This is an outrageous thought," Habib said.


"It's the same if there are police officers who are exposed, such as Sofyan Tsauri or 2nd Police Brigadier Nesti, then think about disbanding the police. Of course, this is very inappropriate, the logic is misguided and misleading," he continued.


According to him, no single institution can guarantee that its staff is sterile from the influence of radicalism. Therefore, Habib said, what can be done is to increase vigilance and mentally fortify personnel well.


"One of the things that can be done is by socializing the four pillars of nationality. So that it will foster the spirit of nationalism and awareness in the nation and state," said the MPR RI member from the South Kalimantan electoral district.


The PKS Secretary-General also invited the public to be introspective and protect their environment from things that could damage security. “The best protection is that we take care of ourselves from the environment. So if there is something unnatural and has the potential to disturb the security of the community, you can report it to the local village apparatus or the nearest police force," said Habib Aboe Bakar.