Caught On Camera Smiling In The Womb, Raffi Ahmad's Second Son Makes Netizens Glazed

JAKARTA - The happiness of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina waiting for their second child makes netizens also happy. Although not yet born, Rafathar's little brother is already good at making poses.

Several more Raffi uploaded the results of his son's ultrasound photo. The latest upload shows an ultrasound photo of the baby who looks sweet smiling.

"Smile the baby boy," wrote Raffi and Nagita on their Instagram account @raffinagita1717 quoted on Sunday, November 21.

The USG photo immediately reaped comments from Raffi - Gigi's followers and netizens. Most give the best praise and prayers for the baby and Gigi during the birthing process.

There are also those who claim to be excited. "Cuteeeeeeee," wrote the netizen.

Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina are predicted to give birth at the end of the year. Previously, Raffi and Gigi had held a competition regarding the date of their second child's birth.

Unmitigated, Raffi has prepared a prize of Rp50 million for participants who guess correctly.

"Guess the date of BosMil's birth? Come on, may you get a prize? Hmmm... a total of 50 million Rupiah, we want to share. Fortune for those who guess correctly until the D day," wrote Raffi Ahmad some time ago.