Samarinda City Government Bans New Year Celebrations

SAMARINDA - Deputy Mayor of Samarinda Rusmadi Wongso emphasized that the City Government (Pemkot) of Samarinda prohibits or does not allow New Year's Eve celebrations from 2021 to 2022 or New Year celebrations in the local city.

"We will definitely prohibit it, because if there is a celebration there will be a crowd, so we will still carry out all the restrictions," said Rusmadi in Samarinda, quoted by Antara, November 19.

Rusmadi said the Samarinda City Government would issue a circular regarding the ban on New Year's celebrations to all parties. So nothing is excessive, but all comply with the rules in accordance with Level 2 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

He also stated that the community may gather with notes according to the provisions on the implementation of Level 2 PKKM.

"It's a celebration that is not allowed, but if you gather, please don't crowd and violate the health protocols (prokes)," he said.

Rusmadi emphasized that vigilance must be maintained, because the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet, so please obey the prokes.

The Samarinda City Government through the COVID-19 Task Force continues to make efforts to educate, socialize and admonish the public to remain disciplined about the rules for preventing this dangerous virus.

"This means that the government is already working, but we also ask the community to support them to be aware, especially regarding the celebration of the new year," he said.

Rusmadi realizes that the community must also have different desires, therefore what the municipal government does is limit, monitor, and educate.

"So if the government has banned it, people should obey it and support efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19," he appealed.