Ministry Of Finance: Indonesia's Vaccination Rate Ranks 5th In The World

JAKARTA - The Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) stated that Indonesia's vaccination dose realization was one of the highest in the world, ranking 5th with 219.48 million vaccine doses as of November 17, 2021.

"This achievement is only lower than China, India, the United States and Brazil," said Head of BKF Febrio Kacaribu, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 19.

In detail, for the first dose, 132.01 million doses have been realized or 48.86 percent of the population, and 86.28 million for the second dose of 31.93 percent of the population.

Febrio said that with the latest conditions, namely the vaccination speed of around 1.5 million doses per day, by March 2022 vaccination could reach 70 percent of Indonesia's population.

According to Febrio, this achievement will be faster if vaccinations can continue to be increased from the current level.

Therefore, the government will continue to accelerate vaccination to reach the target population of 208 million people and achieve a more optimal transition to living with endemic.

However, Febrio emphasized that the public must remain disciplined with the 5M health protocol, especially ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

"Vigilance must continue to be maintained considering that the first wave of COVID-19 in Indonesia occurred after the Nataru holiday," he said.