Asking Judges And Police Not To Be OTT, KPK: Arteria Dahlan's Statement Is Contrary To Corruption Criminal Enforcement

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron said the statement by member of the DPR Commission III of the PDI-P faction, Arteria Dahlan, was not in line with the anti-corruption spirit in his institution.

Not only that, Arteria's statement asking the police, prosecutors, and judges not to be the object of a hand arrest operation (OTT) is also considered not in accordance with the laws and regulations.

"The fact is that in Article 11 it is stated that the KPK's authority to carry out investigations, investigations, and prosecutions belongs to law enforcement officers and state administrators," Ghufron told reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, November 19.

Ghufron said in the regulation, the KPK has the right to take action, including OTT. "So there is no limit for law enforcement officers and state officials, no need to follow up," he said.

"The KPK was established one of them to enforce corruption crimes committed by APH, namely law enforcement and state administrators. So the statement in question is certainly contrary to Article 11 of Law 30 of 2002 Juncto Law 19 of 2019," added Ghufron.

As previously reported, Arteria Dahlan said that the police, judges, and prosecutors should not be the objects of the silent operation. He expressed this opinion while filling an online discussion on Thursday, November 18 yesterday.

"In the future in Commission III, we are also initiating. Personally, I believe that the police, judges, prosecutors should not be OTT. Not because we are pro-corruptors but because they are symbols of the state in the field of law," said Arteria.

He said that there are actually many ways to take legal action against corrupt behavior other than OTT. Moreover, this kind of operation often leads to accusations of criminalization and politicization.

"Even though we have great resources for the police, prosecutors, judges, law enforcers. Really, the capital is only OTT, not by building legal construction that is more usable, challenged by all parties, so that fairness is more visible," he concluded.