There Has Been No Decision Regarding Bali As The Host Of Serie IV League 1, But 4 Stadiums Are In The LIB Verification Process

JAKARTA - Bali has not yet been confirmed as the venue for the 2021 Liga 1 fourth series. However, PT LIB has taken a step forward. What's that?

They have verified four stadiums in Bali which are strong candidates for the fourth 2021 Liga 1 venue.

The stadiums are Captain I Wayan Dipta Stadium in Gianyar, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Stadium (Denpasar), Kompyang Sujana Stadium (Denpasar) and Samudra Stadium (Badung Regency).

PT LIB's Director of Operations, Sudjarno said that Bali had a great opportunity although the results were still being studied.

"There is a great opportunity there (Bali). The results of the stadium verification will later be followed up", said Sudjarno as quoted by Antara, Friday, November 19.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB), Akhmad Hadian Lukita, said so far between PT LIB and PSSI there has been no discussion about the certainty of Bali as the venue for the fourth Liga 1 series. There has just been a discussion between PSSI and the Governor of Bali, I Wayan Koster.

"This matter has not been discussed between PSSI and PT LIB, it was only discussed in the meeting of PSSI Deputy General Chair, Iwan Budianto, and the Governor of Bali, I Wayan Koster", said Akhmad.

"It may be decided soon", he continued.