PPKM Level 3 Christmas-New Year, PHRI DIY Worried About Canceling Year-End Holiday Reservations

YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta is concerned about the number of cancellations of hotel room reservations during the Christmas and New Year 2022 holidays. The government will implement a Level 3 PPKM policy that applies nationally starting December 24.

“Hotel room reservations during the Christmas and New Year holidays are quite good. We are afraid that many will cancel if the policy is implemented," said PHRI DIY Chair Deddy Pranawa Eryana in Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 18.

According to Deddy, this concern is caused by the PPKM Level 3 policy, there are a number of provisions to limit people's mobility and reduce the potential for crowds, one of which is an appeal not to travel.

The appeal, according to Deddy, will greatly affect hotel occupancy in DIY because the hotel business depends on the mobility of the community.

Based on PHRI DIY data, the level of hotel room reservations on the Nataru holiday from December 22 to January 2, 2022, has reached 40-70 percent of the total rooms allowed to be operated.

In fact, hotels located in the central area of DIY have higher reservations, which is up to 80 percent, and for areas in the north, east, and west of DIY it is around 40-70 percent.

"It would be better if the travel rules were tightened, namely carrying out health protocols properly. Show a vaccination certificate and a negative antigen result," he said.

PHRI DIY, continued Deddy, is also ready to implement strict health protocols when receiving guests. "Of course, we will monitor the implementation of health protocols for hotels and restaurants under this association," he said.

Although overshadowed by fears of canceling reservations at the end of the year, Deddy invites all hotel and restaurant business players to remain optimistic.

“The invitation to travel to Yogyakarta must still be done because Yogyakarta already has a system that tourists who enter must undergo health screening. Have at least one dose of vaccine. Coming in healthy condition and going home must also stay healthy,” he said.