Anticipating A Spike In COVID-19 After Christmas-New Year, Pamekasan Hospital Prepares Isolation Room

PAMEKASAN - The Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Dr. Slamet Martodirdjo Pamekasan, East Java anticipates the possibility of a spike in positive cases of COVID-19 after the Christmas and New Year holidays by providing a special isolation place at the hospital.

"We have 24 beds prepared, in case of a possible spike in new cases after the Christmas and New Year holidays, as last year," said the spokesman for the COVID-19 Task Force at the RSUD Dr. Slamet Martodirdjo Pamekasan, Dr. Syaiful Hidayat in Pamekasan, as reported by Antara, Thursday, November 18th.

The 24 beds provided consist of 20 places for COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms, while the remaining four places are for COVID-19 patients with severe symptoms.

In addition, the Pamekasan Regional Hospital has prepared a number of private hospitals in Pamekasan so that later they can also accept COVID-19 patients if there is a surge and the isolation rooms available at Pamekasan Hospital are unable to accommodate COVID-19 patients.

"We took this step, because we don't want any patients to be left untreated, so that in the end they die, as has happened before," said Yayak, Dr. Syaiful Hidayat's nickname.

The Pamekasan Hospital has also provided training and techniques for handling COVID-19 patients, so that private hospitals can also handle COVID-19 patients.

In the isolation room for COVID-19 patients at the Pamekasan Hospital, there are no patients undergoing treatment.

According to Yayak, this condition has been going on for the last two months, as new cases of COVID-19.

However, he still urges the public to adhere to health protocols, such as always wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, and always washing hands with soap and running water.

"No less important is the vaccine, because the free vaccine injection launched by the government is in order to increase community immunity, as one of the anticipations to prevent the spread of COVID-19," he said.

Previously, the Pamekasan Health Service (Dinkes) released that the number of Pamekasan residents who were vaccinated against COVID-19 in this district, was only about 27 percent of the total population, so the vaccination program was still carried out by visiting people's homes directly.