COVID-19 Update As Of November 18: 400 New Cases, 464 Recovered Cases

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health released the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 as of today. A total of 270,228 specimens were examined with the result that there were 400 new positive cases of COVID-19.

"The total accumulation of positive cases since COVID-19 was discovered in Indonesia has reached 4,252,345 people and 8,315 active cases", said Ministry of Health data, Thursday, November 18.

Today's recovered cases increased by 451 cases, bringing the total to 4,100,321 recovered people. Then, the positive confirmed case who died increased by 1 person and the total was 143,709 people.

The province with the newest cases is DKI Jakarta with 100 cases and a total of 863,134 cases. Followed by East Nusa Tenggara with 59 new cases with a total of 63,870 cases. West Java with 56 new cases and a total of 707,167 cases. Then, DI Yogyakarta with 31 new cases and a total of 156,428 cases.

The province with the most recovered cases today belongs to DKI Jakarta with an additional 136 recovered cases. Followed by Central Java with an additional 66 recovered cases, West Java with an additional 61 recovered cases, and DI Yogyakarta with an additional 36 recovered cases.

Two provinces reported no new cases today, namely Bengkulu and North Maluku. In addition, the number of specimens that have been examined using RT-PCR, TCM, and antigens reached 51,210,917.

"Positive results per number of people examined or the positivity rate of people this week is 0.24 percent", he wrote.

The number of people suspected of contracting COVID-19 or who are currently categorized as suspected cases was recorded at 5,465 people. Currently, 34 provinces have had cases of COVID-19.

So far, 132,073,986 people have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination and 86,335,923 people have received the second dose of vaccination.

While the third dose of vaccination was followed by 1,197,837 people. The target for vaccination in Indonesia is set at 208,265,720 people.