DKI Provincial Government Launches, Job Vacancies Site

JAKARTA - The Department of Manpower, Transmigration, and Energy launched the website. This site is an online service to provide information about job vacancies.

Not only that, also provides information on job training (online and offline), talent interest tests for job seekers, online training services for MSMEs, and other employment services.

The trial of the service has been carried out on November 16, 2021. Currently, all services on can be used by the wider community.

"Efforts to provide employment services for are a form of real collaboration contribution made by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in providing employment services that are directly experienced and can be felt by the community," said Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Thursday, 18 November.

Riza said this service is also one of the future efforts to deal with employment problems during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Gerindra politician views that provides convenience for employers (demand) and job seekers (supply), including various key information needed to support the best matching process, such as salaries, special skills, and technical expertise.

"It is hoped that this application can provide appropriate job information for the community," he said.

However, Riza asked all parties not to rely solely on as a job seeker platform. He invited them to actively participate in utilizing all services to the fullest.

"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is not only trying to open a formal job placement (work contract) between job seekers and employers, but also trying to open up space for job seekers through informal job placements, namely making job seekers into entrepreneurs," Riza explained.