Throughout 2021, Bali Police Arrest 838 Narcotics Suspects, Marijuana Cases Dominate

DENPASAR - During 2021, the Bali Police arrested 838 people suspected of drug cases. Most of the arrests were related to marijuana trafficking.

"There are 838 suspects in the year up to November", said Director of Drugs and Drugs at the Bali Police, Kombes Mochamad Khozin, at the Bali Police Headquarters, Wednesday, November 17.

838 suspects consisting of 816 Indonesian citizens and 22 foreign nationals (WNA). Kombes Khozin said this year the most arrested were marijuana couriers.

"This year, there are many cases of marijuana. This year, the number (compared to last year in 2020) is three times higher", he added.

Iresnarkoba Polda Bali Kombes Mochamad Khozin

According to the Narcotics Department, the circulation of narcotics in Bali increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Drug supplies are said to have come from several areas, including Malaysia.

"Malaysia enters Indonesia (via) two routes (namely) the Kalimantan and Sumatra routes. The Sumatra route can be from Aceh, Medan, Riau, Pekanbaru, Jambi", he said.