4 Beautiful Photos Of Natta Reza And Wardah Maulina's Children, Her Grandmother's Grief Cure

JAKARTA - The birth of their first son brought joy to Natta Reza and Wardah Maulina on Monday, November 15. Moreover, this couple has been waiting for the birth of a child named Zakia Xena Humaira for four years.

Through Instagram, Wardah expressed her happiness. "If there is one of the most thrilling moments in my life then it is when I see Umma give birth to Zakia. Here I finally understand why a mother is mentioned by Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam three times, first your mother, your mother, your mother, then your father," she wrote on the account @wardahmaulina_ quoted on Wednesday 17 November.

"God willing, your presence, daughter, will be the most beautiful gift for the late grandma, who has never tired of praying for you throughout her life," continued Wardah in memory of her mother who died a few weeks before she gave birth.

She admitted that she could not help but be sad but tried to be sincere, because death is God's destiny. "Your presence is a cure for Umma Baba and the family for the loss of your grandmother," she continued.

Natta explained that Zakia was the first grandchild for the Wardah Maulina family who had been waiting for a long time.

"A few weeks before the birth, my father-in-law just died. My younger siblings already have children, it's just me, hopefully, I can be a comforter in the midst of our grieving family," said Natta Reza in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, November 16.

When he found out that his father-in-law was being treated, Natta Reza panicked. Because he was afraid that it would disturb his wife's psyche and condition.

"Honestly, I panicked a bit, because automatically when there was an incident, Wardah wanted to return to Aceh. At this time, I was really worried about this situation," said Natta Reza.

Sure enough, Wardah's psychological condition was shaken when she learned that her mother was sick and died. But as a husband, he tries to strengthen his wife to remain steadfast in accepting the destiny of the Creator.

"Wardah Maulina was also quite depressed, so she was so sad that she wanted to pass out and complained that her womb was sick. It was really panic, I just went home, yes, this is God's will," said Natta Reza.