KPK Examines 10 Witnesses To Trace The Flow Of Funds From Zumi Zola's Confidant In The Gratification Case

JAKARTA - The KPK is examining 10 witnesses to trace the flow of funds received by suspect Apif Firmansyah (AF), a confidant of former Jambi Governor Zumi Zola, in the alleged granting of gratuities that occurred in the Jambi Provincial Government.

"Friday, November 12, 2021, at the Jambi Regional Police Office, the investigative team has examined a number of witnesses for the suspect AF," said Acting KPK Spokesperson, Ipi Maryati Kuding in a statement, Saturday, November 13.

The witnesses examined included: Deputy Regent of Sarolangun, Jambi Hilallatil Badri. Then, four members of the Jambi DPRD 2014-2019, namely Muntalia, Budi Yako, Rudi Wijaya, and Suprianto.

Then, RD Sendhy Hefria Wijaya as an employee of PT Athar Graha Persada, Veri Aswandi from the private sector, Basri as logistics staff for PT Athar Graha Persada, Muhammad Imaduddin as Director of PT Athar Graha Persada, and entrepreneur Deki Nander.

"The witnesses were present and confirmed, among others, still related to the ratification of the Jambi FY 2017/2018 APBD and the alleged flow of money received by AF accompanied by the giving of money by AF to several parties related to the case," said Ipi.

In this case, the anti-corruption commission has named 18 suspects. Recently, the KPK detained a confidant of former Jambi Governor Zumi Zola, Apif Firmansyah.

Apif has been a confidant of Zumi Zola since 2010 or when he was running for the regent of Tanjung Jabung, Jambi.

"AF has always accompanied Zumi Zola in campaigning," said Setyo.

This, he continued, continued until Zumi was elected and inaugurated as Jambi Governor. According to Setyo, Apif often takes care of Zumi Zola's needs, including managing operational funding needs and asking for a number of project fees from contractors working on projects in Jambi.

There was also the amount of money that Apif collected reached Rp46 billion where some of the money was given to members of the Jambi Provincial DPRD as money for the 2017 Fiscal Year RAPBD hammer. This gift was a direct order from Zumi Zola.

Not only that but the money was also given to Zumi Zola and his family and used to meet Apif's personal needs.