Attorney General Orders To Fight Land And Port Mafia

JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin has instructed all levels to support the government's policy of eradicating the port mafia.

"Efforts to eradicate the land mafia are crucial because the actions of the land mafias have been very disturbing," said Burhanuddin, quoted by Antara in a written statement, Friday, November 12.

According to him, apart from hindering the national development process, the land mafia can also trigger a lot of social and land conflicts that lead to bloodshed in many areas. It is even alleged that the land mafia has built a rampant network of government institutions.

Buhanuddin said that one of the efforts in eradicating the land mafia is to close or repair gaps that are opportunities for the entry of the land mafia network.

For this reason, Buhanuddin asked the intelligence services of the Prosecutor's Office to observe and narrow the space for land mafias who usually "flirt" or collude with officials of the state civil apparatus, law enforcement officers, and traditional leaders.

"I don't want the land mafia to move freely to rob and control people's land and state land," said Burhanuddin.

In addition, the Attorney General also ordered the Heads of Work Units, both the High Prosecutor's Office and the District Attorney's Office to immediately form a Special Team whose members are a combination of Intelligence, General Crimes (Pidum), and Special Crimes (Pidsus), this team will be specifically to tackle mafia syndicates. land.

"Collaboration between the Intelligence sector with the Pidum and Pidsus fields, I hope to work effectively together to deal with and eradicate the land mafia to its roots. Pay close attention to every land dispute that occurs in your jurisdiction," said Burhanuddin.

Burhanuddin asked the collaboration team to ensure that the dispute was purely a land dispute between residents, not motivated or driven by land mafias working with certain officials.

Then immediately anticipate if the potential for conflict increases. Because according to him, land conflicts are like fire in the husks and time bombs that can lead to conflict explosions in Indonesia.

"Let's work together hand in hand to eradicate the land mafia! And provide protection and legal certainty to citizens who are victims of land mafia syndicates," said Burhanuddin.

"The handling of this land mafia is my special concern. Therefore, there should be no prosecutors involved or being a backing for the land mafia. I will not hesitate to take action and drag them into the criminal process," he explained.

Not only that, but the Attorney General also ordered each work unit to open a special "hotline" to accommodate and facilitate the public to complain about legal issues that are indicated to be victims of the land mafia.

In addition to the briefing on the land mafia, Burhanuddin is currently also focusing on eradicating the "port mafia".

According to him, the port mafia has caused high logistics costs at ports, this can hamper business and investment processes and have a domino effect, namely low investor interest, resulting in reduced employment opportunities and low purchasing power of the people.

Logistics costs at Indonesian ports are still high compared to logistics costs at Chinese ports of around 15 percent and at Malaysian ports which are only 13 percent.

The high cost of logistics is inseparable from the ineffectiveness of loading and unloading system activities at the port and indications of the port mafia which is increasingly complicating the situation.

"The Central Government has asked the Prosecutor's Office to monitor and take firm action against the port mafia," said Burhanuddin.

In response to the statement regarding the eradication of the port mafia, Burhanuddin ordered the work unit in whose jurisdiction there are port facilities to immediately move to carry out intelligence operations in the context of eradicating the port mafia.

"Take firm action if there are indications that officers are involved and are backing the port mafia," he said.