Jakarta Is Raining, DKI Provincial Government: All Ranks Up To RT/RW On Standby

JAKARTA - The capital city has been raining since 16.00 WIB today. The head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Sabdo Kurnianto, said that all ranks were on alert.

The ranks of the DKI Provincial Government have prepared personnel and equipment to minimize the impact of flooding in Jakarta, ranging from regional apparatus organizations, related service units, to RT/RW (Citizens Association).

"We are alerting all personnel and equipment and coordinating with all parties when it rains to optimize all available resources so that inundation or flooding recedes quickly", Sabdo told reporters, Friday, November 12.

Sabdo said this alert was carried out especially in flood-prone areas or points by prioritizing the safety of residents. The DKI Provincial Government also continues to provide the latest information on water level conditions.

"We also continue to provide updated information about the condition of the water level at each floodgate, then we will inform the residents", said Sabdo.

Meanwhile, other ranks who were alerted were public infrastructure and facilities (PPSU) and firefighters to coordinate with RT/RW and residents to help residents affected by inundation/floods.

Water pumping will also be carried out so that the puddles recede quickly so that the flooded roads can still be passed by vehicles.

Based on the latest BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency) weather predictions, all areas in Jakarta have the potential to experience moderate to heavy rain at 18.00-21.00 WIB.