PKS President Proposes 10 Percent Presidential Threshold For The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) proposed that the presidential candidate threshold be lowered to 10 percent in the 2024 election.

"The PKS proposal at that time was around 10 percent for the presidential threshold", said PKS President, Ahmad Syaikhu, in a statement to reporters, quoted on Thursday, November 11.

It is known, referring to Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, the threshold is 20 percent. According to him, if you look at the conditions in the 2019 Presidential Election, which uses a nomination threshold of 20 percent, only two pairs of candidates will appear.

Syaikhu assessed that if there were only two candidate pairs, it would affect political stability in the country. As a result, he said, there is polarization in society.

"The impact is the occurrence of divisions in the community", he said.

Therefore, Syaikhu said, the proposed 10 percent threshold would be able to eliminate the potential for division in society. The reason is, the 10 percent threshold will open up opportunities for the emergence of many candidates for Indonesian leaders.

"We are sure that there are also many national figures who have the ability and public acceptance is also good, right. Only because they couldn't appear because earlier, no party could carry it, because it was hindered by a presidential threshold that was too high", he concluded.