Netflix Develops Features For Kids, Similar To TikTok!

JAKARTA - Netflix plans to bring its app to life for kids, by developing a clip feature. This feature will later contain short videos about trailers for children's films or TV shows.

The feature was first spotted by developer Steve Moser, noting that he found additional references within the Netflix iOS app. According to the description in the app code, this feature is described as a way for younger users to watch short funny, silly, musical clips from TV shows and movies.

Following that finding, the company has finally confirmed that the feature is planning to roll out this week in the United States (US), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and the UK, as well as all other English-speaking regions first. This feature will also be rolled out to the Spanish-speaking Latin American market.

Furthermore, the company explained the purpose of presenting the clips feature, where it thinks it functions more as a discovery feature that will introduce members to its catalog content in a fun, fast and intuitive way.

But citing TechCrunch, this feature is very similar to the existing "Fast Laughs" feature for adults on the TikTok app, both including a full-screen vertical video feed and interaction buttons stacked on the right, allowing users to react, share, and more.

As a difference, adult users cannot comment on the content. Instead, a button allows users to add interesting titles to their Netflix list to watch.

Instead of offering a vertical video feed like TikTok, the kids feature will show horizontal videos that appear in full-screen windows instead of within tabs. The clip will autoplay, but parents can disable this in the settings. The selection of clips will be updated daily and will focus on the events that are on the service.

When launched, this feature will be limited to 10 to 20 clips and will display a countdown showing the number of clips in the upper right corner of the screen. Meanwhile, Netflix is hoping the new clips feature will help kids discover new content as well as connect them with their favorite rewatch moments.