Flood Refugees In West Kalimantan Can Smile, Governor Sutarmidji Ensures Enough Food Supply For The Next 15 Days

JAKARTA - West Kalimantan Governor Sutarmidji said food stocks for flood-affected communities in a number of areas in the province were sufficient for the next 15 days.

"The stock for the next 15 days is still sufficient, then we also encourage aid. For Sintang, for example, our assistance is 100 tons and 100 tons are used," said Governor Sutarmidji in Pontianak, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 8.

He explained that the government's assistance for flooding in the upstream areas reached 130 tons and for food reserves that were prepared there were 300 tons. He said that there was no need to worry about food aid issues. So far there have been no problems in food processing for the soup kitchens for flood refugees.

"For Melawi, we have assisted 55 tons with 100 tons of food reserves, Sekadau also received 25 tons of food reserves with 100 tons of food reserves, and Sanggau has 50 tons of food reserves with 100 tons of food reserves as well," he said.

He said that the social service office had moved to the Melawi and Sintang areas, so the kitchen had also moved to the center there. Public kitchens prepare ready-to-eat food for up to 5,000 residents per day for refugees

"My social service has ordered me to move offices in Melawi and Sintang, so the general kitchen is also there. In a day they prepare 2,500 to 5,000 ready-to-eat meals for refugees," he explained.

He said that the aid sent was not only for food products, but also instant noodles and canned sardines.

He also asked all parties in the flooded area to help the community.

"Yesterday we sent 40,000 packets of instant noodles, 44 boxes of sardines. We also urge everyone to participate in helping people affected by the flood," he said.