Emission Test Ticket Canceled November 13, DKI Provincial Government Estimates Implemented January 2022

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government and the Metro Jaya Regional Police have postponed the ticketing for vehicles that do not pass the emission test in Jakarta on November 13.

Head of the Environment Agency, Asep Kuswanto, estimates that the fines will take effect in January 2022.

"So (the emission test ticket) will be postponed. How long will it be delayed, hopefully until early January next year", Asep said when meeting at the DKI Regional House of Representatives Building, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 8.

Asep said that the postponement of fines for violations of motorbikes and cars that did not pass the emission test was carried out because the number of vehicles that had carried out emission tests was still very small.

Currently, the DKI Provincial Government is still trying to socialize motorists in the capital city to immediately conduct emission tests, both paid and free.

The cost of a car emission test is set at an average price of IDR 150 thousand and for motorcycles, between IDR 50 thousand to IDR 60 thousand. Meanwhile, the emission test at the Environmental Service office is free or free.

In addition, Asep said that his party was trying to increase the location of motor vehicle emission test services in the capital city to 500 services. Currently, there are still 254 locations that serve emission tests.

"If we add more, we have a plan. Indeed, our needs are up to 500 workshops. Currently, there are only 254. Hopefully, in the future we will add more workshops for emission testing", said Asep.

The addition of this emission test workshop is carried out as a solution to avoid the accumulation of vehicles lining up to be able to carry out emission tests. As is known, in the morning, the queue for emission tests at the Office of the Environment Agency piled up into hundreds of queues.

"So we will continue to socialize because yesterday there was also an incident at some point when we held a free emission test, it still caused traffic jams in the west, then at the LH office itself", said Asep.

"And indeed many people have asked us too, please increase the socialization first, then add more emission test workshops, so that people can continue to do emission tests without having to queue up like now", he continued.