Restaurant Near Tip Top Rawamangun Devoured By Fire, Losses Reached IDR 500 Million

JAKARTA – A restaurant in Pinang Raya, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta has been devoured by fire. The location of the fire is close to the Tip Top supermarket. Luckily the fire was extinguished quickly so it didn't spread to nearby buildings.

Head of Operational Section for East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman, when confirmed by reporters, said the losses were estimated at hundreds of millions.

"Approximately IDR 500 million. The temporary deployment of 13 firefighters with 65 personnel was deployed to extinguish the fire, which was reported at 23.42 p.m.," explained Gatot, to reporters, Monday, November 8.

Gatot explained the temporary suspicion that the fire was caused by an electrical short from the restaurant.

"It is suspected that the electrical installation in the restaurant is not feasible and there is an electrical short," he said.

Gatot revealed that currently, it is in the process of cooling down by officers at the fire site.