Cool! This Taiwanese Math Teacher Teaches On Pornhub Site

JAKARTA – A math teacher from Taiwan, Chang Hsu teaches online tutors on the adult site Pornhub. Unlike the average teacher who teaches classes, he presents hardcore equations with a trigonometric side on Pornhub.

The math teacher uses the account name "changhsumath666" which has been verified and has 6,900 subscribers. Chang Hsu is ranked 685 on Pornhub, uniquely until now he has never posted a nude video on the adult site.

In the video he uploaded, Chang Hsu wore a complete outfit with his hoodie. He stood in front of the green blackboard and started teaching math. The average video duration is about 40 minutes, the videos of math tutors have been watched by around 20,000 viewers per video.

Chang Hsu uses the tagline “Play Hard, Study Hard”. In his first lesson, Chang managed to get 1.9 million views. He has posted nearly 230 math lessons, some of which have been viewed as many as 60,000 times.

When interviewed by local media Focus Taiwan, Chang admitted that he had been posting videos on Pornhub since last May, launching free videos on Pornhub as part of a marketing strategy to do “special things in special places.” Chang also said students who watched his free lessons on Pornhub ended up enrolling in his paid classes.

It doesn't stop at Pornhub, Chang has also tried to release videos on other porn sites such as Xvideos. However, Chang Hsu's attempt was rejected because he was fully clothed and uploaded a non-adult video. He said that it was a challenge in itself.

The strategy of teaching math on the adult site Pornhub has paid off. Chang admits that he earns about $268 thousand (approximately Rp3.8 billion) per year from teaching online on a number of adult platforms.

“The online teaching market is very competitive, and I can now attract 1,000 students each year, compared to an average of several hundred for calculus tutors,” says Chang.

Previously, Chang had taught at the school for 15 years. This is Chang's way of getting students and earning a decent income.

“I asked myself where to find the students I was targeting, say college students, and the answer came up: adult video platforms,” says Chang Hsu.