National Police Chief Hopes Aceh Can Pursue Vaccination Target

BANDA ACEH - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo hopes that Aceh can catch up with vaccinations, which currently have only reached 31.2 percent of the 60 percent target in November.

"The President is targeting vaccinations to reach 60 percent this November and 70 percent in December and we hope Aceh can achieve the government's target," said the National Police Chief in Banda Aceh, Tuesday, after holding a closed meeting with Aceh Forkopimda elements and districts/cities as well as traditional institutions. in the local province, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 2.

The National Police Chief, who was accompanied by the Aceh Regional Secretary Taqwallah, explained that he and the National Armed Force (TNI) Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto had a direct dialogue with the Aceh Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda), districts/cities, traditional leaders and other stakeholders to accelerate the achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in the province.

"The key to dealing with COVID-19 is the combination of the community so that they can carry out vaccinations optimally and apply health protocols well and treat people who are confirmed positive for COVID-19," he said.

The National Police Chief stated that the achievement of vaccination in Banda Aceh has reached 82 percent and the average for Aceh is only 31 percent or is below the national level which has reached above 50 percent.

According to General Sigit, to achieve this target requires the cooperation of all stakeholders to increase public awareness to carry out vaccinations.

"We hope that Aceh can pursue this target, because, with the cooperation of all Indonesian parties, Indonesia is ranked first in controlling COVID-19 in Southeast Asia," he said.

Regarding the existence of hoaxes that are still developing in the community, it is necessary to take part in traditional leaders and stakeholders as well as the media to generate enthusiasm in the community to carry out vaccinations.

"It takes hard work and cooperation from all parties, so that vaccination achievements in Aceh can be the same as other regions, especially in the face of a spike in cases at the end of the year," said General Sigit.

He believes that with maximum vaccination achievements and compliance with published rules and COVID-19 can be controlled the economy will increase.