PADANG - The West Sumatra Regional Police opened room for the families of the victims Afif Maulana and his attorney to meet with forensic experts as a form of transparency in investigating the case of the death of the junior high school student.

"Tomorrow please meet with a forensic doctor, please meet in person. I cannot answer those that are beyond my authority," said Police Chief Inspector General Suharyono in Padang as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 26.

He said the access was given so that the victim's family would know the complete autopsy results accompanied by an explanation from a forensic doctor.

When the victim's family attorney asked for a copy of the autopsy results, Suharyono said that the autopsy results would definitely be given to the family and legal counsel while in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP).

The victim's family attorney also questioned the legal process against Sabhara personnel from the West Sumatra Police who were suspected of being related to the death of Afif Maulana and the Kapolda to ensure that the Profession and Security Division of the West Sumatra Police was handling it.

"Procession by Propam is still being carried out, please meet the Head of Propam to monitor the progress of the process," he explained.

Suharyonos had invited Afif Maulana's family to enter his office when the attorney questioned the results of the autopsy, the family's attorney asked for time on Thursday (27/6) on the grounds that they did not bring equipment, such as record equipment.

Suharyono also fulfilled the wishes of the victim's family attorney who wanted to present additional witnesses and ensure the safety of the witness.

Previously, a boy's body was found by residents on the surface of the river under the Kuranji Bridge at around 11.55 WIB on Sunday (9/6). The findings were then reported to the Kuranji Sector Police (Polsek).

Based on the report, the police immediately went to the location and conducted further investigations.

Prior to the discovery of the victim's body, there was friction between a group of motorbikes and a number of police officers who were carrying out their duties.

At that time, a group of teenagers were in a convoy on the street using a motorbike carrying sharp weapons.

West Sumatra Police personnel who saw the incident immediately approached to disperse them, as well as securing the perpetrators to anticipate the brawl that was rampant in Padang.

Police officers arrested dozens of perpetrators, dozens of sharp weapons scattered at the location, including the motorcycle belonging to the victim Afif Maulana driven by his friend.

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