A Man With Exhibitionism Disorder From Lumajang Gets Arrested In Pasuruan
The adventure of Busaruddin (38) showing off his genitals finally ended in the hands of the police. (DOK. Police)

PASURUAN - Busaruddin (38) finally ended up in the hands of the police. The resident from Tempursari Village, Lumajang Regency, was arrested by the Pasuruan Police, East Java.

"This perpetrator has shown his genitals to women on the streets dozens of times, which is causing people anxiety", said Pasuruan Police Chief Rofiq Ripto Himawan to reporters, Thursday, February 18.

Rofiq explained that the arrest of the perpetrator was made after the police received a report from the victim. The victim still remembers the perpetrator's license plate.

From here the police officers then carried out an investigation, until finally, they managed to identify the perpetrator according to the characteristics reported.

"He was arrested while he was at his house in Tempursari Village, Kedungjanjang District, Lumajang Regency", he said.

Rofiq explained that the motive for the suspect to show off his genitals was because he was suspected of having sexual disorders. By doing such a despicable thing, the perpetrator feels his own satisfaction.

"He has a sexual disorder, so he often shows his genitals in public places to women", he said.

The perpetrator has carried out the action since 2017, starting in the areas of Pasuruan Regency, Pasuruan City, Probolinggo Regency, and Sidoarjo Regency. The modus operandi is that the perpetrator cuts a woman on the road using a motorcycle.

"After that, without shame, he opened his pants and showed his genitals to the woman", explains Rofiq.

Busaruddin was charged with Article 36 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography.

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