YOGYAKARTA - Bile is a serious stomach pain. Bile assistance is similar to pain in digestive health which makes the sufferer feel disturbed. If you experience it, you must know the sleeping position of a bile sufferer.

Bile disease in medical terms is called Cholelithiasis. Patients with bile experience sudden stomach pain. The appearance of pain is usually felt after eating heavily in the afternoon and evening.

Light bile can generally be treated with treatment at home, without the need for hospital treatment. However, severe bile categories become serious diseases that can cause complications.

There are still many people who are not aware and understand bile disease. In addition, sleeping position can also affect the prevention of bile disease.

Bile is a disease that forms a rock in a bile bag. The bile bag organ is located on the right side of the abdomen under the liver or liver. This organ acts as a storage of bile that is removed into the small intestine to help with the digestive process.

Bile is hard and makes the sufferer feel stomach pain like cramps, acid reflux, and heartburn. Bile grows in various sizes, ranging from soft grains to growing the size of a ping pong ball.

In general, bile disease appears due to cholesterol deposits that help or harden in bile bags. This condition occurs because bile bile cannot dissolve the cholesterol and bilirubin produced by the liver.

Symptoms experienced by people with bile are in the form of pain in the upper or middle right abdomen suddenly. Generally, pain will be followed by other symptoms such as ulcers, mutal, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and dark urine.

However, about 50 percent of bile sufferers do not feel the symptoms at all. Symptoms will appear based on the severity of the bile disease. Symptoms will be even more pronounced when bile clogs the bile duct. If left alone, this disease can get worse and cause complications.

A good sleeping position can prevent the emergence of bile disease. A study shows the right sleeping position for people with bile is tilted to the right.

The position of bed tilted to the right helping the smooth flow of chiem so that bile fluid increased. This condition can prevent the appearance of bile bag disease. In addition, sleeping tips facing to the right can also help the digestion of food and improve the process of nutritional absorption.

In addition, sleeping tilted to the right also has other benefits. One of them is maintaining the health of the stomach. The position of sleep tilted to the left can hinder the work of the stomach. This condition will cause stomach acid to rise. In addition, sleeping facing the right is also useful for maintaining the health of the lungs and reducing the work of the stomach.

In addition to sleeping positions, bile can also be prevented by a good diet. Fiber tiring foods can prevent the disease. In addition, you also need to increase liquid intake, reduce oily or saturated foods, avoid alcoholic drinks.

A severe bile disease must be treated with surgery to remove bile bags. If you feel symptoms of bile, then you are advised to do ultrasound tests, blood tests, CT scans, Kolesistography, Endoscopics, to Sfingterotomi.

Those are the tips for sleeping position for bile sufferers and various ways to prevent the disease from appearing. If you feel symptoms for a long time or don't disappear, you need to consult a doctor.

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