JAKARTA - Remember your childhood? What were the things you did as a child? Which relatives used to carry you as a baby? It must be difficult for most of you to answer. What causes us to forget events in childhood?

As we grow, we tend to forget about people, places, or moments that we went through as a child. Yet according to the confessions of our relatives around us, we used to be very close to someone or traveling to a certain place. This incident turns out to be a natural thing and is often called Childhood Amnesia or Childhood Amnesia.

This type of amnesia will make a person unable to remember the details of an incident or a whole incident that occurred before the age of 4 years. The researchers even found that the more a person grows, the less childhood memories he can remember.

There are not a few studies that we present in this VOI lecture. We will tell you about why it is difficult for us to remember events in childhood. Please hit the listen button and we'll tell the story for you.