YOGYAKARTA Prayer taub is a form of worship carried out by Muslims with the aim of asking Allah SWT for forgiveness. This prayer is carried out when someone wants a relationship or stops and regrets the disgraceful actions committed in the past.

Prayer taub is not only done as a form of regret but also as a form of determination of a servant who will not repeat the same sins and mistakes as before.

Reporting from the website of the Yogyakarta City National Amil Zakat Agency, the way of praying is the same as other sunnah prayers. Performed as many as two rakaats ended with one greeting. What distinguishes is the reading of the Al-Fatihah Letter which is recommended to be read ten times in each meeting.

This worship is done before someone repents of the sins he has committed in the past. After taking ablution, here are the steps to pray for you to follow.

Prayer begins with the intention of carrying out taub. The intention can be pronounced in Indonesian as much as possible, or can be done by reading the following pronunciation.

Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

Usalli sunnatat taubati rak'ataini lillaahi ta'aalaa.


I intend to pray taubah dua raka'at lillahi ta'aalaa

After reading the intention, do takbiratul ihram, namely lifting two hands parallel to the ear while reading the takbir 'Allahu Akbar'. This movement is the beginning of the opening of the taub prayer.

Don't forget to read Al-Fatihah Letters such as prayer in general. Reading can be done in the heart or in a dilute manner.

If Al-Fatihah's letter is finished reading, then read a short letter. You can choose one that is memorized such as Al-Ikhlas, Al-Kafirun, An-Nas, or other short letters.

After completing reading the short letter, proceed to the next taub prayer movement, namely ruku'. This movement was carried out by bowing your body with his hands on your knees while reading "Subhanaarial 'Azim" (Governmental God Holy God) three times.

If you have continued to the next movement, namely Itidal, namely the bangki movement of the ruku while reciting "Sami'Allahu fiven hamidah, Rabbana lakal hamd" (God heard people praising Him, O Allah we praise You). In this position the body is strong and the hands are on the side.

Followed by prostration, namely placing the forehead and palm of the hand on the floor. In the middle of this movement you have to read "Subhanadiacal A'la" (Greece God Almighty) three times.

After that, proceed to the sitting position between the two prostrate by reading "Rabbighfirli Warhamni Wawaburni Warfa'ni Warzuqni" (O Allah, forgive my sins, give me mercy, make me always obedient and full of piety, raise my degrees and give me halal sustenance).

If the reading of the sitting between the two prostrations has been read, perform prostration afterwards while reading "Subhanasamacal A'la" (Holy God Almighty) three times.

In the second meeting, the readings read are not much different. You can read different short letters, or you can read the same short letters again as in the first meeting if you don't have other memorizations.

After getting two rakaats, continued with the final prayer End with greetings, namely turning to the right and left alternately.

That's the procedure for praying and praying. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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