MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said he would immediately evaluate the use of village funds that were unable to achieve the target until February 2022.

"This is an assessment, if it is not achieved in the next two months, we will reduce the village fund. We will record the name of the village head, correct it and evaluate it," said Bobby Nasution in Medan, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 10.

Bobby emphasized that this was done because the absorption of the sub-district budget was still very minimal, so the Medan City Government made one form of assessment for the performance of the lurah.

The Mayor of Medan said that the realization of using urban village funds was to realize the priority programs of the Medan City Government, in addition to encouraging the economy in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Therefore, Bobby emphasized that as many as 151 urban villages with 21 sub-districts in Medan City are the spearheads that play a very important role in the realization of the use of village funds.

Bobby Nasution also asked all sub-districts to maximize the use of village funds that had been budgeted, both in the first and second quarters to avoid the third quarter being realized.

"We can see from our budgetary capabilities, our quarterly income. What is certain is that we want the first quarter, the second quarter to be accelerated. Don't do it all at the end of the year," explained President Jokowi's son-in-law.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Medan City Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level (Bappeda), Benny Iskandar, said that the planning and budgeting of village funds were to support the vision and mission of the Mayor of Medan and the priority programs of the Medan City Government.

"This activity was attended by all sub-districts and villages throughout the city of Medan which were divided into two sessions. In the morning 11 sub-districts and 75 villages and 10 sub-districts and 76 villages in the afternoon," said Benny at a coordination meeting on planning and budgeting for urban village funds in Medan, Wednesday, December 8.

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