X’s Market Price Revealed, 55 Percent Down from Elon Musk's Purchase Price
The market price of X Corp was finally revealed after a year Elon Musk bought Twitter (photo: Twitter @lindayaX)


JAKARTA - Since Twitter moved into the hands of Elon Musk, no one knows what the company's market value is. Now, we can know the price thanks to Musk.

Twitter was bought by Musk at the end of October last year. At that time, Musk bought Twitter for 44 billion US dollars or around IDR 699 trillion. However, the market price is of course not that much.

This price was officially known after employees at X received equity prizes from the company. According to a report by The Verge, the equity that these employees get is 19 billion US dollars (IDR 301.9 trillion) with a price per share of 45 US dollars (IDR 715 thousand) each.

This price is decided directly by the Board of Directors from the initial purchase price. With this price, we can know that Musk has made the market price of his company fall by 55 percent at this time.

For information, Musk wants to provide compensation in the form of shares to his employees. The hope is that some of these employee shares can be disbursed to outside investors.

The type of equity granted to employee These shares require liquidity like an Initial Public Offering (IPO) to be taxed as income.

Previously, one of X's major investors argued that the company's market price had fallen 65 percent from the price Musk bought Twitter at. However, this estimate is apparently still much higher. Now we know the value of this company reaches IDR 301.9 trillion.

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