JAKARTA - Through his latest blog post, Matthew Darby, Director of Product Management, YouTube announced several new features that are expected to help you maximize YouTube, either while watching videos or creating them.
Here are some features that will make your YouTube viewing experience more comfortable than ever.
Stable Volume
Launched starting today, the volume stable will be activated automatically to reduce striking volume differences, to improve viewing and listening quality.
Press 2x
If previously you had to manually select the video playback speed, now YouTube brings this new feature, you just need to press and hold the screen to automatically increase the playback speed by up to 2x.
If you've ever watched a video on Telegram, how this feature works is very similar. This feature will be available on the web, tablets, and mobile devices.
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Find clips easily
YouTube also brings a larger thumbnail preview as you search for certain video clips, if previously you could only view the video preview at the bottom while shifting the video duration.
In addition, if you change your mind or want to continue watching videos again, YouTube will direct you back to the part of the video you left last.
Lock the screen
In this update, YouTube also launches a key screen on your phone and tablet so you can lock the screen to prevent unwanted interference.
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