Research In Turkey Calls G-Spots In Women Actually Exist
Illustration of women experiencing orgames. (photo: kok Pixabay)


JAKARTA - Over the years, scientists and men, who are frustrating to their partners, have not been able to prove that G-spots are real. However, research in Turkey now claims that they have evidence that this erotic zone really exists after finding that women had fewer and less intense orgasms after undergoing surgery in this sensitive area.

Medical personnel monitored dozens of women for six months after undergoing surgery to treat prolap, aiming to tighten muscles on the front wall of the vagina. This area is believed to contain G-spots, which are said to lie several inches inside the upper wall of the vagina.

While the level of female arousal remains the same after surgery, the results of the study reveal that their sexual pleasure is reduced. The paper's author says that G-spots are 'possibly damaged in this operation'.

The operation aims to improve the prolap of anterior vaginal walls, which occurs when muscles weaken so that the bladder descends to the front wall of the vagina. Researchers at Koru Ankara Hospital say this is one of the most common Gynecological problems. Usually caused by childbirth, menopausing, or overweight - all of which weaken the pelvic floor muscles.

Symptoms can include severe feelings around the lower abdomen and genitals, the problem of urinating, and discomfort or numbness during sexual intercourse.

Patients with severe prolaps that affect their daily lives may be referred to undergo anterior colforrhahphy, which involves actuating muscles on the front wall of the vagina that holds the bladder.

Researchers note that this operation should improve or restore the patient's quality of life. However, it is not clear whether the operation affects sexual satisfaction.

They note that this operation could damage the chromogenic zone on the front wall of the vagina, known as the G-spot, which swells during sexual intercourse and is thought to have played a major role in orgasm. The researchers affected 89 patients, aged 24 to 62, who underwent surgery between May and December 2021.

The results of a study published in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology show that sexual desire and patient passion do not change. However, there was an 'extraordinary' decrease in the frequency of orgasm after surgery, while the intensity also decreased and the pain increased.

Researchers propose that this was caused by G-spot damage during surgery - although its existence has not yet been technically proven. They note that almost everyone agrees that the vaginal anterior wall is 'one of the most important structures for a female sexual orgasm'.

As a result, medical personnel should consider alternative treatments for appropriate anterior vaginal wall collapse, such as laser therapy to maintain sexual pleasure, according to the research team.

However, they only monitored patients for six months while they were still recovering from surgery, which could affect the outcome of this study. Long-term studies are needed to confirm their findings.

G-spot is named after Ernst Gr Marifenberg, a gynecologist from Germany, who described an area that can trigger orgasm in the 1950s. Dr. Gr Marifenberg himself did not create such a term. However, he was the first person to scientifically describe an'reflection zone' located on a vaginal anterior wall throughout theuretra'. The 'G-spot' was named after him by Dr. Frank Addiego and his colleagues, who wrote about female ejaculation in the 1980s.

However, the science of G-spots is still debated, with various studies claiming that no one found it. Some argue that there is no specific point and that five separate 'erotogenic' networks carry out the sensation of pleasure associated with G-spots.

Portuguese scientists even described G-spots as something similar to the lost city of Atlantis after failing to determine its location, size, or nature.

Another hypothesis is that G-spots are the inner part of the clitoris stimulated during sex. Some experts have claimed that studies that say G-spots do not ignore the experience of women claiming to have G-spots. Others argue that focusing on G-spots, in terms of sexual pleasure of women, can make those who find it difficult to achieve orgasm from G-spot stimulation feel 'insufficient or abnormal'.

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