
JAKARTA The arrival of Bennu, a type C asteroid, to Earth last week received a lot of attention from the public. The reason is, Bennu is part of the 7-year OSIRIS-REx mission which is now back as OSISRIS-APEX.

With this attention, the United States Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) plans to showcase small rock material from Bennu in three different museums.

Reporting fromSpace, the three museums selected by NASA are the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, Houston Space Center in Texas, as well as the Arizona University Museum of Permata and Mineral

The news of Bennu's display at these three museums was not actually announced by NASA. However, the three museums gave confirmation when asked by collect Space.

The National Natural History Museum Expected to receive two samples from asteroid Bennu this fall, said Ryan Lavery, senior press officer from the museum.

Lavery explained that the first sample will be the basis for the research of the Or Unique Planet in the museum, while other samples will be exhibited in the Geological Hall.

Meanwhile, samples sent to the Permata Museum and Mineralhir Norville will be exhibited in November with details of the date being prepared. The Houston Space Center also welcomed the news without providing details of the time.

Currently, scientists are examining and studying asteroids carried by the OSIRIS-REx capsule. The size and nature of the ingredients have not been published by NASA.

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