JAKARTA - Telegram is one of the applications for exchanging messages that can be used for free with an internet network such as the Whatsapp application.
Although how to use it is equally easy, both of them have a number of differences. One of the differences that is very visible is the check mark when sending messages.
The checkmark icon when sending messages on Telegram is only clarified into two parts, namely when the message is sent and when the message has been read by the recipient of the message.
When the resulting checkmark is only one, then this checkmark indicates that the message has been successfully sent to the server. On the other hand, if the checkmark is generated into two, then the message is read by the recipient.
However, the one-check mark on Telegram is uncertain because there are many possibilities for this checkmark. Apart from unreaded messages, messages may not have been received because the user is inactive or maybe you are blocked.
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Telegram does not have a checkmark for message delivery status. When viewing on Whatsapp, the two checkmarks can show two things, namely when the message is sent and when the message is read.
With the difference between checkmark one and checkmark two that have not changed color on Whatsapp, this explains that Telegram still has a shortage in it.
Reporting from Makeuseof, there is a reason why Telegram cannot show the status of the delivery. This unclear status of the delivery occurs because the recipient can read messages from any device while using Telegram.
The tickmark on Telegram itself can be a weakness and a shortage, depending on the user's perspective. Some people may not like the uncertainty of one tick mark, but others may feel no problem.
Even so, the check mark two can be a positive thing in Telegram because of clarity in receiving messages. Users also do not need to wait for direct confirmation whether their message has been read or not.
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