
JAKARTA - Apple pledged on Friday September 15 to update the iPhone 12 software in France. This was done to resolve disputes over radiation levels. But concerns in other European countries suggest they may have to take similar action elsewhere.

France this week suspended sales of the iPhone 12 handset after tests revealed a violation of radiation exposure limits.

Apple debated the findings, saying that the iPhone 12 had been certified by various international agencies in accordance with global standards. However, the Cupertino-based big tech announced on Friday that it would issue a software update to customize the testing methods used in France.

Researchers have conducted many studies over the past two decades to assess the health risks of mobile phones. According to the World Health Organization, no harmful health effects have been proven to be caused by cell phone radiation.

However, radiation warnings in France, based on different test results from those carried out in other countries, have raised concerns across Europe.

Belgium's state secretary for digitalization said it had asked Apple to upgrade iPhone 12 software across EU countries, although based on an initial review of Belgian regulators, the handset did not harm its users.

Germany said it was in contact with French authorities to find a solution across the European Union, while Italy would ask Apple to upgrade the software on the iPhone 12 there.

However, any request to Apple or separate decisions by Italian authorities will only come after France's investigation is complete.

Dutch authorities for Digital Infrastructure said it was conducting its own investigation, which will be completed in two weeks, and is in contact with Apple as well as German and French authorities. The agency said it had received calls from worried consumers.

The French government welcomes Apple's software update, saying the update will be tested soon and should allow the relatively long sales of the iPhone 12 model, launched in 2020, to resume.

"We will issue a software update for users in France to accommodate the protocols used by French regulators. We hope the iPhone 12 remains available in France," Apple said in a statement.

This is related to the special testing protocol used by French regulators and is not a safety issue.

Apple routinely provides software updates for its phones and computers, mostly to fix security issues. They can be focused on specific models or regions, and sometimes Apple issues such updates several times a month.

The French agency, Agence Nationale des Frequences (ANFR), said on Tuesday 12 September that the iPhone 12 Special Absorption Rate (SAR) - the body's absorbed size of radiofrequency energy levels from a device - higher than legally permitted, led to suspension of sales.

Changes in French regulation in 2020 allowed SAR testing for limbs - holding cell phones in hands - as well as the head and body, which are used elsewhere. In the SAR test, French limbs, which failed to encounter the iPhone 12, the distance was measured at 0 mm compared to a distance of 5 mm for body testing.

Belgium's minister for digitization, Mathieu Michel, said in a statement on Friday that while a review of mobile phones by the country's IBPT regulator was still ongoing, the initial results "made relief" and there was no reason to withdraw the phone in Belgium.

Even so, he said he had contacted Apple and asked the company to "review its software updates in an identical way across Europe."

Denmark is also trying to provide certainty to the owner of the phone, saying that the Danish Safety Authority will not take action after France's findings and is not concerned about the radiation level of use of the iPhone 12.

"Basically, based on available information, the Danish Health Authority's assessment is that you can continue to use your iPhone 12 without any worries," reads an emailed statement.

Industry experts say there is no security risk due to regulatory limits, which are based on the risk of burns or overheating due to cell phone radiation, have been set well below the level where scientists have found evidence of danger.

"Overall, I think this incident will soon be forgotten," said Ben Wood, chief analyst at CCS Insight, given that the iPhone 12 is an old model.

Apple launched the iPhone 15 on Tuesday and the iPhone 12 is not available for purchase directly from Apple. However, it can be purchased from third parties who have supplies or exchanged old phones.

The importance is potential issues in revocation, which France threatens if Apple refuses to make a software update.

Apple's revenue reached around $ 95 billion (IDR 1,458.1 trillion) in Europe last year, making the region the second-largest market after America. Some estimates say that Apple sold more than 50 million iPhones last year in Europe. The US company did not break its sales according to the state or model.

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