
YOGYAKARTA Starlink will be one of the providers of new internet service providers in Indonesia based on satellites. Many people welcome the presence of starlink in the country. Apart from this, do you know how Starlink works?

Please note, Starlink is an internet network service owned by Space X. Starlink operations are carried out by utilizing satellites in low-earth orbit so that they can provide high-speed internet access worldwide, including Indonesia.

With starlink, people in Indonesia can take advantage of it with various needs ranging from communication, or other activities such as streaming, online games, many more.

The way Starlink works is actually not much different from how internet providers are currently in Indonesia. On the official Starlink website, people who subscribe to Starlink will get two roles, namely satellite signal capture antennas (Starlink Base) and WiFi Router.

Starlink will transmit a broadband network to the earth via its satellite. The network will be captured by the Starlink Base antenna installed around the user's home. When it is turned on, the antenna will immediately scan the network that is located from the nearest satellite.

After that WiFI Router will distribute the signal to public-owned devices such as PCs, laptops, cellphones, and so on.

The difference between Starlink and ordinary internet providers in Indonesia is the existence of satellites. Starlink provides a broadband network using a space satellite. Meanwhile, ordinary internet providers in Indonesia use fiber optic cables so it is natural that people planning to subscribe must consider the availability of poles and fiber optic cables.

The existence of the Starlink internet service is indeed eagerly awaited by the Indonesian people. This is because of the benefits of Starlink internet services that can be enjoyed. Some of these advantages are as follows.

One of Starlink's advantages is an internet network that can reach remote areas. In fact, one of the goals of the Government to bring in Starlink is to meet internet needs in remote areas such as Eastern Indonesia.

Because the Starlink network uses satellites, its network distribution does not require infrastructure so that its spread is easier. In contrast to conventional internet services, which must consider many things, including the availability of stakepoles and fiber optic cables.

The Starlink internet network is claimed to remain active even though there is a natural disaster. This happens because satellites orbiting in space are not affected so that their performance remains stable. This means that when a disaster occurs, communication networks remain available.

Quoted from the Clubwifi website, Starlink's internet speed is faster than traditional internet speeds. Starlink's speed can reach 300 Mbps, while traditional internet speed only offers users 100 Mbps.

Meanwhile, in terms of deficiencies, the Starlink internet offers subscription prices that for some people are considered expensive. The price to pay is approximately 99 US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 1.4 million per month. This cost does not include the parabolic and router which costs 549 US dollars, or equivalent to Rp. 8.1 million.

That's information related to how Starlink works. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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