YOGYAKARTA - Apple officially released the iPhone 15 Series on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. For flagship smartphone fans who want to have an iPhone 15, Apple has opened a pre-order service for the purchase of this latest mobile phone. So how to pre-order the iPhone 15 Series?
How to preorder the iPhone 15 can be done starting September 15 through the official apple.com page. However, the preorder service is only available for six Apple-chosen countries, namely the United States (US), Germany, China, the UK, Japan, and India. For the general sale of the iPhone 15 Series in these countries will be opened on September 22.
For Apple Fanboy and Fangirl in Indonesia, please be patient to have the iPhone 15. So how to preorder the iPhone 15 in Indonesia and when to start marketing?
Many smartphone users in Indonesia can't wait for the sales of the iPhone 15 Series in Indonesia. With the specs superior to the previous generation of cellphones, the iPhone 15 is the target of many people who want to have a flagship cellphone.
Preorder iPhone 15 Series in Indonesia iBox, Apple's official reseller, will open in November 2023. The iBox Indonesia Store opens the iPhone 15 ordering service via the ibox.co.id link. In addition, pre-order can also be done via Shopee e-commerce and the official iBox Tokopedia.
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The time for opening the iPhone preorder in Indonesia is different from in Malaysia and Singapore. The two neighboring countries opened orders more quickly. In Singapore, preorders opened on Friday, September 15 local time. Meanwhile in Malaysia, preorders opened on September 22 before being marketed on the 29th of the same month.
Apabila Anda tidak sabar menunggu waktu pre order iPhone 15 di Indonesia. Anda bisa memesan lebih dahulu di dua negara sebelah tersebut. Pre order iPhone di Singapura bisa melalui link: https://www.apple.com/iphone-15/. Link pre order iPhone di Malaysia dapat lewat link: https://www.apple.com/my/iphone/.
However, if you purchase iPhones in Singapore and Malaysia, then you need to spend additional money. To be able to bring the iPhone home legally to Indonesia, the owner is required to report it to Customs because the price is above 500 US dollars (Rp. 7.5 million).
Based on the official Customs and Excise website, purchases of goods from abroad are subject to various types of taxes and duties. In addition to import duties of 10 percent of the customs value, there is also VAT of 11 percent of the import value.
In addition, there is also an income tax obligation (PPh). Income tax for users with NPWP, is imposed at 10 percent of the import value. Meanwhile, for people who do not have NPWP, it is burdened with 20 percent for import value.
That's the information on how to preorder the iPhone 15 Series. Apple presents the iPhone 15 in various color choices ranging from blue, pink, green, black, and yellow. This latest phone output is also equipped with upgraded and capable specs to pamper its users.
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