
YOGYAKARTA WhatsApp users are advised to know how to overcome Virtex WA to avoid errors on the application or cellphone.

As is known, Virtex WA is a virus that is either intentionally or not, distributed via WhatsApp in the form of spam messages. When the recipient receives and opens the Virtex WA message, the virus will infect the victim's cellphone so that the WhatsApp application can be disrupted, it can be in the form of error, empty, slow, and even WA will go out by itself when the user enters the messaging application.

When you are already a victim of Virtex WA, there are several ways that can be done to eliminate the effect, namely as follows.

When you get Virtex WA, the first way you can do is delete a message containing Virtex. This deletion is done to remove the script stored in the roomchat. In addition, you can block the sender's number from doing the same thing in the future.

Usually, victims who get Virtex WA will experience errors in the WhatsApp application so that they find it difficult to open the application. As a way out, you can log into WhatsApp Web and delete Virtex chats from your PC or laptop. This can be done because WhatsApp Web is not affected by the virus.

This method can be done via cellphone directly. Forcing the application to stop means stopping WhatsApp operations on the cellphone so that users cannot receive or send messages or calls. How to stop forced WA is as follows.

Please note, there are various kinds of Virtex WA that cause different impacts. This method can be done to overcome violent Virtex to create lag applications. To overcome this, the way that can be done is to delete WA data. However, you will lose the data stored in WA. The method is as follows.

WhatsApp Immune is an application that WhatsApp does not work or has immunity to the Virtex virus. How to use this application is as follows.

This step can be anticipated for WhatsApp users not to become victims of the virus. Please note, Virtex WA in the form of a script in the form of a set of codes, text, and symbols and usually the script cannot be read by the application. When the user finds indications of the message, it would be nice not to open the message and immediately block the sender number.

That's information related to how to deal with Virtex WA. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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