JAKARTA - The analog TV switch to digital or Analog Switch Off (ASO) that has been implemented by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) since last year still leaves several areas.
The Director General of Postal and Informatics Resources and Devices (SDPPI) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Dr. Ir. Ismail MT said there were local TVs that were still left, aka not doing ASO.
"When exactly I don't know, following the Minister of Communication and Information's decision, there are conditions where we must ensure that we are completely clean from analog broadcasts," said Ismail when met at the Indonesian Telecommunications Industry Direction forum, in South Jakarta, Thursday, August 24.
Currently, said Ismail, ASO is in the process in some areas that are still adopting local TV. "Only a few in the regions, not big TV anymore, global network TV no longer exists, but there are still some local TVs," said Ismail.
He added, as many as 11 cities that are included in Nielsen have conducted ASOs, living in remote areas.
"So according to the Ministry of Communication and Information, 11 Nielsen cities are all ASOs. What we know is that there is an independent ASO term. Broadcasting operators have started to turn off analog broadcasts in (large) areas. Only a small one," explained Ismail.
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Regarding the 700 Mhz Auction
Ismail said the 700 Mhz auction could not be done now if ASO was not evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. He hopes that this year it will be completed.
"This year I am optimistic that only the auction will be carried out after that (ASO). It must be based on regulations. The rules are currently revising the PP," said Ismail.
The 700 Mhz frequency will later be used for 5G networks, but operators must ensure a balance between the network and 4G.
"In 5G not one piece of this band, all of them are now used by friends (operators) in 5G. Only they have to think about the balance between 5G and 4G," said Ismail.
"5G is still the default, at least 4G where certain areas need 5G, which needs to be made by building a new utilization model. Examples of mining many heavy equipment used by humans are dangerous, 5G is very applicable there," he continued.
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