JAKARTA - WordPress has just launched a new Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based writing assistant for its platform, which it claims could reduce the time and effort required in content creation.
Melaui kontributor utama WordPress, Automattic, alat itu dirilis dengan juluki Jetpack AI Assistant. Designed untuk menulis postingan blog, halaman detail, daftar terstruktur, dan tabung berdasarkan petunjuk yang diberikan oleh pengguna.
Jetpack AI Assistant can make writing in the appropriate tones for users. Such as funny writing, confidence, or empathy. In fact, the formal tone can also be made.
In addition, AI assistants at WordPress can also help users create titles and brief summarys for their posts, as quoted on the official JetPack website, Thursday, June 8.
Analyzing existing texts to identify potential spelling errors and grammar is also done by this tool. It even translates into 12 languages.
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Covering Spanish, French, Chinese, and Hindi. Users can write in their native language and translate it into English or their mother tongue.
Similar to ChatGPT, users can also chat with the AI Assistant Jetpack like a co-worker. Users can add an AI Jetpack assistant to their WordPress editor as a block using block/ai shortcuts.
Currently, the AI Assistant Jetpack is still an experimental feature equipped with 20 free requests. However, after that users will have to pay a monthly fee of 10 US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 149 thousand.
This tool is available for free on all WordPress.com sites for a limited time. The premium package has no upper limit on the number of requests.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)