JAKARTA - The Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) celebrates its 27th anniversary, which was held at the Tendean Tower (MTen) Building, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, on Monday, May 15.
The event was attended by the General Chairperson of APJII Muhammad Arif, the Supervisory Board, the Board of Management, Kapengwil from 15 Regions in Indonesia, along with all APJII members and invited guests.
Since its first establishment in 1996, APJII has continued to grow until now APJII already has more than 920 members spread across various regions in Indonesia.
"This is good news, because this figure indicates that currently there are more than 920 ISPs (Internet Service Providers) in Indonesia who are jointly trying to provide adequate Internet connections for more Indonesian people, in order to support the acceleration of the digital economy," said Muhammad Arif, Chairman of APJII in his remarks.
In the event, APJII stated that he was committed to continuing to build and strengthen the digital economy in Indonesia. This commitment is demonstrated through APJII's efforts to continue to encourage the expansion of network infrastructure to more regions in Indonesia.
According to Arif, the expansion of the network is the key to increasing the reach of Internet connections for the community. The more people are covered by Internet connections, the better the acceleration of the digital economy in the country.
As a form of support for accelerating the digital economy, APJII will hold the 2023 Internet Expo and Summit (IIXS) which will be held in August 2023.
اقرأ أيضا:
This event is an event that opens up opportunities for collaboration and productive dialogue between various stakeholders in the internet industry in Indonesia. In addition, it is also an event to showcase the latest technology, share knowledge, and discuss issues and challenges faced by the internet industry in Indonesia.
At the 27th Anniversary event, APJII also officially launched the APJII Survey Results User Profile & Internet Trend Indonesia 2023. Where the survey showed that Indonesia's Internet penetration rate throughout 2022-2023 reached 78.19 percent, so that the number of Indonesians connected to the Internet in 2022-2023 was 215,626,156 people from the total population of 275,773,901 people.
"At the age of our 27th, I see that APJII is getting more solid with the spirit and commitment to support digital economic development in Indonesia, because Internet access is getting wider, including the increasing number of Internet users, is the key to accelerating the digital economy, including the creative economy in our country," Arif concluded.
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