
JAKARTA The 2023 Hong Kong Open badminton tournament starts today, Tuesday, September 12, 2023. A total of seven Indonesian representatives will take action in the main round.

On the first day of the BWF Super 500 level championship, as many as five Indonesian men's doubles representatives will appear. The other two representatives came from women's doubles.

The five couples are Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto, Hendra Setiawan/Mohammad Ahsan, Leo Rolly Carnando/Daniel Marthin, Bagas Maulana/Muhammad Shohibul Fikri, and Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan.

Fajar/Rian, who are the first seeds, will be challenged by the Taiwanese pair, Su Ching-Heng/Ye Hong-Wei, in Field 1. This is the first clash between the two pairs.

On the same field Bagas/Fikri will also play against the pair from the same country, namely Lu Ching-Yao/Yang Po-Han. Both pairs have a strong win-loss record, 1-1.

Meanwhile, the veteran Hendra/Ahsan pair will play in Field 2. The pair nicknamed The Daddies met Malaysian representatives, Junaidi Arif/Roy King Yap.

Next in Field 3 in action are Leo/Daniel and Pramudya/Yeremia. Leo/Daniel will meet Chang Ko-Chi/Po Li-Wei (Taiwan), while Pram/Yere will face Japan's representative, Ayamo Endo/Yuta Takei.

Still in the same place, the most interesting duel on the first day was the meeting of fellow Indonesian representatives Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti against Febriana Dwi Puji Kusuma/Amallia Cahaya Pratiwi.

The following is the composition of the matches of seven Indonesian representatives on the first day of the Hong Kong Open 2023, Tuesday, September 12:

Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto vs Su Ching-Heng/Ye Hong-Wei (Taiwan)

Bagas Maulana/Muhammad Shohibul Fikri vs Lu Ching-Yao/Yang Po-An (Taiwan)

Hendra Setiawan/Mohammad Ahsan vs Junaidi Arif/Roy King Yap (Malaysia)

Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Rambitan vs Ayamo Endo/Yuta Takei (Japan)

Leo Rolly Carnando/Daniel Marthin vs Chang Ko-Chi/Po Li-Wei (Taiwan)

Febriana Dwi Puji Kusuma/Amalia Cahaya Pratiwi vs Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti

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